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구매전 카카오톡 공구중독으로 문의 부탁드려요 ^^
Height adjustable Headrest -The headrest is height adjustable to provide the best possible support for the neck. |
Height adjustable backrest -The backrest is height adjustable to provide the best possible support for the back. |
Adjustable seat height -Infinitely adjustable seat height allows individual height adjustment for each body size. |
Adjustable upper back support -supports your upper back, shoulders and neck, and is designed for comfortable all-day use. |
Patened dual seat base -The split seat base reduces pressure in the pelvis and spine. |
Adjustable Back angle -The back angle can be adjusted infinitely variable by pressing the left-hand lever. |
Chrome-plated parts -All metal parts inclusive five-star base |
Castors Oversized -with 50mm casters, Harachairs can be easily moved even on uneven ground. |